We created WeFangirls with one sole purpose - to house a free and safe community for adult fan site creators.

We all know that one of the most difficult things about working in the adult industry is not being able to share your work with a lot of people around you. This can be very frustrating. No place to vent and no one to turn to when you need help. This is why we build this community. Welcome to wefangirls.com - a private community built for fangirls and fanboys. This forum is strictly NOT for fans, you won’t bump into any customers here - it’s your safe space where you can openly discuss exactly what you do, problems you encounter, ask for advice, give advice, share experiences, search multiple platforms, products, promo options and just have a huge group of work buddies and a support system to rely on.

We have a lot of experience building community websites and our biggest project, WeCamgirls.com you might already know. But every group has its special needs. We're always open to new suggestions and ideas for the site to make your work a bit easier, so don't hesitate to contact us. A community isn't much of a community without you. Tell your friends you've found an independent and autonomous community website for adult content creators where customers are not allowed. A place where there are single minded people and no trolls. Talk about shopping or philosophy, everything is possible. Discuss earnings, producers or agencies. It's all up to you! Remember, we need you to make this all work. Spread the word and we will make this a website you'll visit daily.

Remember we are here for you. If you need support, or if you have an idea about how we can improve our community don’t hesitate to contact us, you can find all our moderators with the BLUE border.

Rutger and Tristan